
Kennedy, Michener Benefits, LLC is ready to help you tackle Health Care Reform!

We can provide you with the tools you need to stay on top of the changes brought by health care reform, including the following:

  • Ÿ Legislative Briefs, written and reviewed by a team of lawyers, provide overviews of changes in legislation and how those changes are likely to affect you as an employer.
  • Our “pay or play” calculator can show you whether or not you will be subject to penalties and can estimate potential penalty amounts.
  • Ÿ Easy-to-understand content for employees that explains the effect that health care reform laws will have, including articles, videos and posters.
  • Ÿ Video content that provides employers the basics of different health care reform regulations in just a few minutes, to fit your busy schedule.
  • Ÿ Benefits administration assistance in the form of documents explaining health care reform requirements and deadlines for implementing changes.

Don’t let health care reform sneak up on you— we can keep you informed and help you avoid penalties for non-compliance.